
Invoicing for companies, unions, and organizations

How to open and use an account

For companies, unions, and organizations that expect to register for 10 or more seats in occupational health and safety courses during the calendar year, it is possible to set up an account with the BCFED Health and Safety Centre.

In order to establish an account, please fill out a New Company Account request.

If your company, union or organization uses purchase order numbers for payables, please provide a PO# that is valid for the calendar year by emailing our Accounting team..

After approval of the account, we will send you an email with billing options.

Currently we have two options of billing:

1. Pre-purchase vouchers: You could order a number of vouchers for course registration ($155 for most courses and $295 for the Mental Health First Aid course, per participant). You can email our Accounting team. with the number of vouchers you need and an invoice will be sent to you for payment. Upon receiving your payment, a voucher code will be provided for you to enter at check out. To register for a course using a voucher code:

    1. Choose the course you wish to enroll in and select “Register”;
    2. Select the "Register with a voucher" button;
    3. Sign into your personal profile account. Ensure the workplace on your profile matches exactly the company account name;
    4. Input your promotional voucher code in the blank field and complete the registration.

2. Company direct billing: If you anticipate having more than 20 registrations per year, and would like to be billed monthly, you can check out by choosing “Register as a company - payment by invoice”. It will then bypass the credit card payment platform and you agree to be invoiced and submit payment to us within 30 days after the invoice is received. Companies with less than 20 registrations per year can buy vouchers as noted above.


In order to qualify for a refund, we require a minimum notice of 10 business days. See our FAQ for more information.

For questions about Accounts, Invoicing, Vouchers, please email our Accounting team.

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